Great singing
By Crog of the North
Another great album by Nathan Gunn, one of the greatest American voices of our generation; hey Groban, nice try, kid - go get some lessons and come back when you're a man. This is what a truly talented highly-trained artist can sound like.
By seestarrs1
I know that he's talented so I gave four stars...but I keep hearing Will Farrell doing a Robert Goulet impression.
Another great album
By larynxman
Anyone who has studied great singing recognizes the wonderful talent displayed in this album. I'm glad Nathan has created an album that just about anybody, including opera lovers, can enjoy. Way to go Nathan!
1,000 Better? Probably Not.
By MDC9986
I would simply ignore the previous comment if you know anything about good, healthy, classical singing. I believe that Nathan Gunn did an excellent job singing something that is outside his normal musical field. These classic, early 20th century songs are a great compilation that will really give you a taste of the music of the time period. And I highly doubt there are 1,000 better singers in New York City. Have you been on the stage of the Metroplitan Opera, Chicago Lyric Opera, Pittsburgh Opera, San Francisco Opera, or Carnegie Hall? I doubt it. Someone that succesful is obviously worth listening to.
Why the crossover, Nathan?
By OperaBuff113
Nathan Gunn is an opera singer, and a good one. His "Billy Budd" is superb. Why does he think he has to do pop? OPera singers should stick to opera and pop singers to pop. Crossovers are rarely successful. The two kinds of voices are incompatible. Only Eileen Farrell was able to do pop and jazz as well as opera successfully.
By AbundanceForAll2
Who thought this guy was a good singer? Why would someone produce this album? There are 1,000 better singers out there in NYC. . .