A world unto itself
By atomicage0021
I've never heard an album like this one. "FDR in Trinidad" is one of the greatest songs I've ever heard, just a cosmically refracted, heavenly rock song. A mood of infectious satire oozes from this record, like the chant about cocaine in "Sailin' Shoes." It's music that's really thought about the irony of music. Much like Song Cycle, there's a cinematic framing to the Trinidad pop sound found within. An absolute joy.
and their names are golden...
By mkurosawa
Mos' def' the most overlooked album of the late, great 20th Century. A celebration of joy and happiness and brilliance and light.
On a scale of 1 through 10, Discover America is a definite 12.
A gem.
A joy.
Buy it.
The Most Overlooked, Underappreciated Album Ever
By daddy frank
Intelligent writing, billiant arrangements, thematically captivating. Parks deserves all of these superlatives. One should purchase this in its entirety to really appreciate it. I'm not convinced that "Bing Crosby" is, as Itunes claims, really a tribute to the crooning wife and child beater. Perhaps I'm reading into it, but I sense a bit of tongue and cheek. La Dee Da Dee Da.