Saw her LIVE!!!
By Jamesphoto
Saw Ana last night at a free downtown Blues concert. I am in love. First off she is a very beautiful lady (pretty, pretty, pretty!!!). And second she can play some blues. I have made a new friend in Ana. I am a fan as of yesterday!!!
Catch this girl Live!!
By DavidFlowers
Got a chance to see Ana last night at a festival in Chattanooga, TN. Truly I have not seen anyone rip a guitar with such passion and soul since I got to see Stevie Ray at a blues festival in Mississippi in the late 80's. Her work is pure, raw, un-adulterated rocking blues with some jazz mixed in. If you like blues, jazz, or just great musicianship, get all the albums and travel as far as you have to, to see what I believe is the soul of SRV and Hendrix combined and wrapped up in this amazing artist.
Great Live Artist
By dougwhite1671
If you get a chance to see her preform live...DO IT !!!!
Still ( and likely always) making history
By uccbill
Every recording by Ana builds nicely on her past. Her talent for writing, singing, and working with her instruments is intricate and intense. It's great to have these albums to listen to while waiting for her tour dates.
Still making History... ANA Popovic
By virginiabluesman
ANA never lets you down ! She is truly one of the hottest guitarists around in the world today ! ANA has created a great album of extremely listenable music . This is a must for her old fans as well as all her NEW fans ! Truly an amazing CD and a must for all serious music lovers ! Get it TODAY!!!