Here for Ruth
By Fix it or else...
RIP, Wyatt.
Wheres the original illmatic??
By Kidddddddda5
Why doesn't itunes have the original illmatic?
Rap fan
By Anthony Nochi
I like this album Nas got lyrics man his best album he has other good albums too but this is his best. I listen to the whole album you love it live wit it ya don't don't mess wit this classic 5/5
Dope album but..
By Crazy-braden
I got it for 5 bucks at best buy
By DilMatic7
QB doesn't stand for Quarter Back .... Nasty Nas
Nas is great
By MC.Macintosh
I just love this album I am 13 and I put this in my stereo it is also on my iPhone and I listen to it every time I right a rhyme
ill + matic
By Matya247
Obviously illmatic is illmatic. Don't need to tell you anymore. But I got this exact deluxe version at Best Buy for like 8 bucks. So buy it there instead of iTunes!! lol
Good album, poor censoring
By sorryaboutleroy
I hate the people who edited this CD. I don't hate them because I hate the very notion of editing profane music (it can be done tastefully), but because they did so in the worst possible way. Instead of simply muting the offensive words -- as is the standard now -- the editors distort the sound of the words, so you are left with a lot of incomprehensible gibberish. Heaven knows this was not the best way to censor this CD and others like it, so why did they do it this way? It DESTROYS the music. I can listen to a rap song with the F-words muted and still appreciate its essence, but I can't appreciate a song that has sounds that don't even belong in the recording (i.e., the distorted words that replace the actual words). One other thing. Why are references to drugs removed from rap music? Such references are not removed from country music (e.g., Johnny Cash), yet somehow they are never allowed in the edited versions of rap music. Why? This is a flagrant double standard and one which must be stopped immediately. Forget this CD until they revise it with better editing.
5 Stars
By konjahrad
Nas got lyrics
Peep this
By Kushpuffa
Illmatic is the one of the most monumental musical compositions of our time, and NaS is one of the premier poets of his generation. His lyrical ability and raw passion is apparent with every single verse in the album, and not only does it flow smoothly and sound great, its incredibly coherent and eloquent, and is great social commentary. The platinum edition however is a bit excessive; obviously the first disk(the original album) remains the bible of hip hop, however the second disk's remixes are wack as hell, the production value is cheezy and electronic sounding. Not to mention the lyrics are changed around and often edited, the new beats definately dont honor the prestige of the lyrics. The two other tracks are dope as hell though, on the real has a ten year old verse that didnt make the original album that is fly as hell.....after my thc induced ramblings the point finally, is buy the original LP if you dont already own Illmatic, but if you do dont bother purchasing this star wars and on the real individually