The Truth - Single - Megan Woods

The Truth - Single

Megan Woods

  • Genre: Christian
  • Release Date: 2024-05-31
  • Explicitness: notExplicit
  • Country: USA
  • Track Count: 1

  • ℗ 2024 Megan Woods under exclusive license to Fair Trade Services, LLC


Title Artist Time
The Truth Megan Woods 3:42



    By ;)someone :(
    I love this song and who it’s about I feel like it comes through the heart and it helps me be encouraged
  • the truth?

    By bab1972
    Odd that a Christian song called "the Truth" has "I" has the subject of 90% of the song. Break it down using your English classes. Too many songs like this. "I" is most often my biggest problem. We don't need to put the focus on ourselves. We all think of ourselves too much already. Pride and condemnation are two sides of one coin. Our focus needs to be on who Jesus is. How we can be loving to others through encouragement, comfort and telling them the truth even when it is unwanted.
  • I LOVE IT!

    By (>_<)im-cute
    This song helped me when I was feeling down. One day at school it was just a BAD day. But then, this song started playing an it helped me. I fet so much better and it reminde me just to be myself!! Becaus Jesus loves you nomatter what! "The truth is I am my fathers child, I make him proud, and I mak if smile! I was made in the image of a perfect king! H look a me an wouldn't change a thing!" That's the truth!!! You should ge this song!
  • Beautiful!

    By Ms.Viz
    Such an anointed song and voice. Speaks to the heart and soul. The whole song is just TRUTH of who we are in the Lords eyes! This song is my anthem!
  • Dka

    By DKAvera
    Rich Full Vocals. Perfect!!!
  • Chills!

    By Des162
    Megan Woods’ voice is powerful and the words she sings hits home everytime I hear it! I needed to buy this unbelievably perfect song so that I could put it on repeat! Can’t wait to hear what else Megan puts out! I’m officially a MW fan!
  • Fire!!!🔥❤️❤️❤️💯

    By Mawpatinece
    The world needs the truth!! And Megan this is my favorite song!!! You have a beautiful voice!!
  • The Truth

    By BMoshh
    I just heard this song on the radio and thought who is this? Had to ask Siri. Megan, make more music, you’re words and voice are blessings from God. Just do it!!!
  • You will sing along

    By Lizzy GS
    This one stays with you.
  • The Truth Always TRUMP LIES

    By Ferdinand Sorongon
    However people try to bury the TRUTH, it will always come out peeling the lies from people's faces, in His own time.

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