
  • Genre:
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Title Artist Time


  • Love it

    By sherilynn
    Wow!! Kate you can really sing!!! Keep’em coming!
  • Awesome song

    By jmcaree
    Love it!
  • So good!!!!

    By cpenk1111
    I hope she makes more music, she has a great voice!!!!
  • Good first Effort

    By LukeyLue9
    I like this song a lot. While the musical arrangement is more mediocre than anything, Kate Hudson’s voice is absolutely phenomenal. She could sing the ingredients off of laundry detergent and it would sound incredible. I hope she continues to make music and that we get an album from her soon. I also hope she continues acting as she’s been a favorite of mine for many many years.
  • Beautiful

    By Krystal Naomi
    Kate-congratulations this song is amazing! Perfection.
  • Such an uplifting song. Love how happy it makes me feel 💜

    By Marilu U
    Great lyrics - a much needed reminder. Love is the answer. I met Kate Hudson during her book tour and she was so genuine and took time to talk with me. I planned on purchasing this song to support her but honestly, even if I didn’t have that pleasant interaction, I would purchase this song. I love this song. It just puts me in a good mood, makes me feel happy. I can’t wait to hear more of her music. Great song, wonderful person 💜