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Title Artist Time


  • portugueeeese!!

    By muraro
    I've been struggling to find his original songs and would like to pay legally for them, so please make all his songs from the very first time available!
  • Finally!

    By Jetjok800M
    I agree with everyone else that says FINALLY! A Roberto Carlos album in Portuguese! Now iTunes, where are the others???????
  • More Roberto Carlos in Portuguese Please

    By Maximus73
    This is one of my favorite artist, I have listen to his music since the late 1970's and I would love to buy more of his music but only if I could have it in Portuguese. Is there another site that has his music in Portuguese?
  • Please more Roberto Carlos in Portuguese

    By portugues para o Brasil
    How come there are so many Roberto Carlos albums available in itunes, but most in Spanish?... He is Brazilian...Brazilians speak Portuguese. I would love to buy more of his songs, but I cannot stand to hear them in Spanish, it is just not the same. People in Brazil have ipods and iphones. I am sure they would prefer the original Portuguese versions.
  • In portuguese, please

    By Rodrigo V. Moscoso
    Roberto Carlos is the "King" of Brazilian Popular Music. The spanish musics he recorded throughout his career are just a minimal part of his songs. Pleeeease, add songs in portuguese. They are the most important and beautiful songs of his career. A lot of Brazilian music lovers will purchase them. Come on iTunes! This is important. Thank you. Rodrigo

    By MeEff
    Hallelluia finally some brazilian songs from Roberto Carlos!!!!! C'mon iTunes...Roberto Carlos is a BRAZILIAN singer NOT hispanic, HOW ABOUT SOME BRAZILIAN SONGS, DON'T YOU WANT TO MAKE SOME MONEY, AND WHAT ABOUT SATISFYING YOUR CUSTOMERS ?????
  • Portuguse please! Por favor!!!! Pocha!

    By ChristinaZuid
    Your concert in Chicago was very nice, but you sang most of your songs in Portuguse. I took my mother to see you, (she briefly met you at galeao when she was 17!) She had all your albums then, it was her dream come true to see you live at Rosemont two weekends ago! However, she was not too thrilled with the original songs sang in Spanish, not to mention that it's far more beautiful in Portuguse, our/your mother language Mr Carlos! We paid a lot of money to see you cater to the Hispamics, GREAT- NOT! No disrespect towards Hispanics, it's just that we Brazilians love Roberto Carlos like Elvis was! --- RC is the King in Brazil, he's huge there! We love him and he us a great guy! Please Mr. RC, ask iTunes to add your songs in Portuguse as well? Eu preciso muito ouvir suas musicas em Portuguse! My mom will be much happier too! :-)))))) All our love, Christina, Zelia and Bob!
  • O Rei em portugues POR FAVOR

    By januca
    YES!!! I want to be able to buy from all of his albums in Portuguese. It is unbelievable that we can't find his songs in our own language. I agree a 1000%. He is BRAZILIAN!!!!! WAKE UP ITUNES!!! Big bucks on this one if you make him available for the BRAZILIAN market!!!! THANKS FOR BRINGING THAT UP!!!
  • Por favor

    By HildemarBarreto
    Queremos estas musicas todas em portugues, nao acredito que tem reviews desde 2006 sobre este assunto, mais Itunes nao esta fazendo nada para corregir, ATENCAO ITUNES queremos estas musicas como se foram originalmente criadas em PORTUGUES. Este cantor e Brasileiro de sangue e coracao.

    By Brazilainnut
    Roberto Carlos is a brazilian singer, he should have more Cds in Portuguese and not spanish, i get really frustrated looking for his songs and others brazilian artists, cause all i find is my favorites brazilian singers singing in spanish...Jeez