
  • Genre:
  • Release Date:
  • Explicitness:
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Title Artist Time


  • stellar

    By Kanyeisaswiftie
    “T-Pain never needed autotune, autotune needed T-Pain”- someone on twitter(X) T-Pain can sing any song, from any genre, from any artist. He truly found a way to make timeless classics his own.
  • T-pain

    By Ngefor mac
    The best off all
  • Stable Genius

    By T•V•I
    That sound you hear is Sam Cooke rolling in his grave. This is truly one of the most abysmal recordings ever made. Talentless and tone-deaf. Can someone please do us all a favor and put this man out of his misery?
  • Yes

    By MeganFlamingo
    T-Pain is a goddamn national treasure.
  • Good voice

    By HMG772
    He has a good voice and this album displays it! Why does he usually cover it up with auto tuning ?
  • ❤️

    By Trust and Us
  • Incredible

    By IPhonebeast
    You’ve got to be able to appreciate such amazing ability to sing different genres. I’ve been wanting him to come out with non auto tuned music and this is it.
  • I wasn’t expecting that given the title

    By Aclaire28
    Obviously t-pain is incredibly talented vocally and these are some of the greatest songs of all time he has chose to cover which I think is pretty awesome in of itself because he is showing his own appreciation for good music that you wouldn’t necessarily picture him listening to. However , especially given the title of the album , I’m not going to even lie. I was disappointed. I was expecting a real t-pain album with some new songs the whole 9 yards l.And this just isn’t”t-pain”
  • Black country music

    By Barnesville24
    This is different 😬 not bad, just different for him.
  • 👍

    By Score99