Thank you for everything
By SirBurgerplayz
I’ve made a third review because I have a feeling this album will get me through a break up I experienced earlier, these songs make me cry now and i feel so emotional listening. Dan you are a great guy and I hope you read this at some point
I’m a wreck without the other part’s of me this song says how my life rolls.
By MVB12!
I know the you have to buy act 1 twice to get act 2, but act 1 was so good I think it’s worth it.
Act 1 AGAIN and Act 2
By Act 1 AGAIN and Act 2
In reading reviews it would seem that if you purchased Act 1 you now have to purchase it AGAIN (no complete the album version). Well iTunes and Image Dragons, I'm on strike and not buying this album (the second half that is - since I already "own" act 1) until I can properly complete it.
By Phantom21😈😈
I swear bruh all these people are only complaining about how they have to buy the album a second time when they can just listen to it on Amazon Music. But it would still be worth the extra money because the songs on here are unlike anything they’ve done. This album is a masterpiece👌🏻
Dan my Man,
By DotsTruth
My heart aches for you. I feel your pain love. So blessed you are here in this life time. Stay true. Stay You. Love, all your true fans of your music and your soul. ❤️
I love imagine dragons
By olf61
Greatest Album Ever
By OneAndDonez
There’s so many gems in this album and ACT 2 always gets me emotionally. From the first time I heard Demons years ago I was hooked on this band and I am here for the twists and turns their music journey takes me on. Mercury is full of songs that feature emotional highs and lows and it’s a healthy dose of both. There’s music for everybody in here and you’ll for sure find plenty that speak to you as it did for me.
Pretty alr
By Ok rude
I find this album a good buy not all the songs I like but the majority is perfectly fine going through all the stages of grief after his sisters death it makes perfect sense
Good album overall
By Cody Alan E.
This album has a lot of songs, which is great. What is even better is that a lot of these songs are very good. I would say that Act 1 overall is very good. But then comes Act 2, and boy, that one is just another album that has a couple good songs, with the rest being bad. What were they thinking when they forced us to buy both? Especially the second half of Act 2, that gets whack. Still worth buying.