To the bone
By Coming4urelbowshehe
ABSOLUTE MASTERPIECE!!! This is truly accurate to the undertale storyline, and sans and papyrus’s characters were absolutely nailed. One of the best fan made songs (next to kill or be killed) I’ve ever listened to. Plus, THE BEAT MY GOD!!! This is an amazing song.
To the bone lyrics
By TheDoomDarkness
“Sans, sans! Wake up! Huh? A human has fallen from the surface world! What, you got a “bone” to pick with them? Urgh! No time for puns! That was a real rib tickler ayyyy! Stop it! Alright, here we go again. Welcome to the underground! How was the fall? If you wanna look around! Give us a call. we don’t see humans often, we’re happy you just dropped in. I’ll be so popular when I show all the monsters what I just brought in! Hey papyrus mind your manners, can it sans no time for banter! Excuse my brother he’s a bit eccentric! And your just lazy and apathetic! Call me what you want, I got thick skin, another bad joke and I’m finished with him! We are monsters the awfullest kind! To mess with us takes a lot of spine.
You belong here
By Nickname Dudjdvyufufypdtotxotx
‘Hey boss how about a raise?’ Makes me laugh
To The Bone
By Alpha lover 🖤
Luv it
You are amazing
Can’t live without this song
Music to my ears
Great way to pass the time at school
I feel like this fits me well
My dad made me break up with my bf
So this is how I feel
But great song really like it
You have a great way of going into my heart
I have a small heart
It has been broken to many times
But again thank you for the song 🎶
By jummmmmp maan.
Doom guy vs chief
By LandyneDaUndying
Down to the bone!
The Markiplier rap is awesome
By HarryHorokori
( note that this is just a skit due to the fact I love the Markiplier rap)
Markiplier: hello everybody my nam-
Me and the smg4 gang: WE KNOW! JUST GET ON WITH IT!
Me: says the guy who thinks fredbear caused the bite of 87.
Markiplier: well yes he did.
Smg4 gang: NO IT DID NOT!
Me: *gets on the theory glasses* you see, fredbear biting down on Chris’s head was the bite of 83. Mangle caused the bite of 87’
Markiplier: (sarcastically) okay matpat.
Mario: oh no, mark did it now…
Markiplier: huh?
Me: *turns into scraptrap and jumpscares mark*
(do not EVER call me matpat.)
Sans and Papyrus, a HILARIOUS duo.🤣
By Alice987763
I love To The Bone A LOT, plus is it just me, or is Sans and Papyrus two HILARIOUS brothers? That’s just a weird Undertale theory. It’s probably obvious, but I like that one song, it’s REALLY good. WAIT! Scratch that, I LOVE IT! Seriously, Sans and Papyrus are gonna be video game LEGENDS in comedy! I swear! Keep up the good work, JT!
They made To The Bone perfectly :D
By Langston Dutter
UnderTale is a complex game, and so it takes quite a while to understand the lore, but there is also basic complexions of the game. JT Music probs has to play the entire game to understand much of it though. The best line from the song, AND I QUOTE, Papyrus: “Really Sans?” Sans: “what?” Papyrus: ”The last line of the chorus was a pun!” Sans: “Yep” Papyrus: “You IMBECILE, that was very….clever” Sans: “Thanks Buddy”
Great songs!!!
By Melody🩷
“I would rather lit my farts on fire then stop watching markiplier” I- what the but- “sexy mark” Wth- “he’s so hot his hair started a fire *moan*” I- Wth is going on…