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  • I’m late to the party, but it was well worth the wait.

    By ComancheViper
    ABBA is as good as they ever were. The harmony, the lush environment. The songs, the voices, the music at all wraps you up and carries you away. They are truly still the supergroup they ever were. True legends. Which is something you cannot say about today’s music.they are refreshing and truly a pleasure to listen to.

    By Oki Oz
    Legendary comeback, great music but US seems totally indifferent. Pity but not surprising. It’s incredible to think after 40 years they are back together, writing and producing music all themselves. No outside producers or current acts to give them legitimacy. They are ABBA and America you need them !
  • Glad 🙂 tho super drained on some

    By It’sEJtoday 🛹🧋🫶🏼✌️🏔️
    I’m so so soooo glad about this new album tho it’s not as upbeat as you would expect it to be. The only good songs there is “No doubt about it “and “Just a notion “ . Else I mean like the other ones are kinda well ….. drained. Else I’m so happy 😀 thank you a lot ABBA!! 😊🥹😊🥹
  • The ABBA magic is missing

    By Juniorverse
    ABBA was churning out pop-disco gold for most of the 70’s and early 80’s. But as with a lot of bands who reached insane popularity and fame, inner strife between band mates caused the music to sufferand ultimately die. People grew, times changed, and tastes in music moved on to the next big “thing”. Electronics in the 80’s. Grung rock in the 90’s. Auto-tuned money making pre-packaged pop since the 00’s. Unfortunately, the super group’s latest offering (40 years in the making) sounds just that - 40 years too late. Aside from “Just A Notion” (which was written, and recorded in 1978 but re-recorded for this album) Voyage has wisps of the old ABBA magic, but the remaining 9 tracks seem to lack whatever it was that made them the super-group of the 70’s. Gone are the insanely catch choruses, replaced with were-trying-too-hard-to-write-a-hit droll that drags on for almost 40 minutes. Scattered, aimless, dated, and uninspiring are adjectives I would use to describe the once titans of pop music’s 40 years too late comeback offering. Tragically.
  • As wonderful as ever

    By freaksale
    It’s like they never left
  • Love love love

    By Moof
    I’ve waited 40 years for new music and it’s clear they still have it! This album can stand toe to toe with any previous ABBA album. I never tire of hearing Frida’s voice.
  • Phenomenal!

    By thegodmother96
    I bought the physical CD while looking for their earlier albums and was joyful when I found it! Like their other albums, Voyage is another one of my favorites. I breathe and sleep their music. On my way to work, home, groceries. People driving by see me dance in my seat but I don’t care because I’m so happy in the moment thinking how much I love ABBA’s music. As a person who studies music and plays , I love and admire their musicality. Just pure love for ABBA and wish them a healthy life. Gracis ABBA Por la musica, los quiero mucho!
  • ABBA stays true to themselves

    By ajrubincpa
    I ordered three copies of this album, when I first saw that it was available. And even though it was officially released on November 5th, I received it through the mail that. I immediately listened to the entire album and it did take me a while to appreciate it. The two sounds that had already been released earlier sound great and the first song truly reflects the history of the group, where they have been, what they have been through and where they are today. Too bad, that right after releasing the album, they said "this is it", no more. Don't Shut me Down takes me back to the upbeat songs they were known for in the 70's and 80's, happy and hopeful. This song also shows a lot of maturity in how their music has developed. The song "No Doubt About It" reminds me of my parents and how they used to argue, only because my mother had to win the argument. It's almost a little funny. And quite honestly, my favorite sone on the album is "Ode to Freedom". Don't ask me why, but I love being able to hear the individual voices from the ladies and how they both blend together so well. What is really interesting about this album, is that they stayed true to who they are. They did not try to make it sound like ABBA of the 21st century, but a more mature sound from the 70's. I oftern tell people it is not an album I would write home about because you have to simply appreciate it for its simplicity and the mature and sophisticated sound that ABBA is known for. And this is coming from a group, whose members are from the 70's and are now in their 70's. Not many groups can achieve that these days.
  • Welcome back, old friends❤️

    By ericmp01
    Nobody can craft pop songs like ABBA! The album is amazing from start to finish! This is the most satisfying return/reunion I’ve ever witnessed in any band. Voyage is an instant classic! 🔥❤️
  • What can you say but WOW

    By ballet-dancer
    They are back. Real music, real singers, real melodies. The comeback of this century without a doubt. Thank you for the music ABBA!