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  • Yipe!

    By Con Scious
    TIMELESS COMPILATIONS!!!! Macy is Off The Chain!!
  • Why Doesn’t iTunes Have

    By Jolie Lives
    Jolie Lives-12/2/17 Macy Gray Singing, “COMING BACK TO YOU”? Unless we BUY THE ENTIRE SOUNDTRACK for the albeit, Good MOVIE, “DEJA VU”?!!! What’s Up iTunes? Is the Song too Good for iTunes? Spotify has it & Spotify’s been receiving some hinky Reviews recently! She has the most sensual voice! Hot, sweaty fabulous sex fills her voice when she sings. She sings with the joys and real pain of being a woman, instead of the young “twidiots”, who are only now, because their PR Teams have told them that it’s Time for them to attempt to come across as “Bad Girls”! Taylor Swift and other white tweens are now desperately making pathetic attempts to put out Albums where they’re Desperately Trying To Be “Naughty, Raunchy Girls”! Plueeze! As if these girls ever thought about anyone but themselves and their Target Audiences! Sex has always Sold! However, it just flips the stomach to even attempt to make a connection between these Extremely, High Maintenance Tweens or Twidots, who probably have Body Doubles, who stand in for them during foreplay, as they can’t be bothered with Life’s Minutiae. So focused on themselves and their Image, that they’re absolutely convinced that their farts smell like Roses. That is, if they were actually capable of passing gas! Compared to actually Beautiful Woman, like Macy, Tina Turner, Pink, even Gaga and the many other Gorgeous Woman Musicians who’ve always been true to their Brand Of Music. Not one of the Twidiots Are Capable Of conjuring up the image of a Beautiful Woman, with a bead of her perspiration, slowly rolling down her chest, between her breasts. With her head back, mouth open, in the moments of ecstasy. Unless it’s they’re Tween Audience’s or Pedophiles! These girls don’t realise, even after all of the artifice and attempts at contrived or manufactured Sexuality, by the likes of Madonna. Who’s greatest accomplishment was being Banned from Preforming in Italy on her Tour that incorporated a lot of sleazy gyrations with or upon a Cross. Pushing the old Boundaries Of Wardrobe, or the lack thereof or Choreographed, Mechanical Gyrations is just not either sexy or sensual! It’s cheap and tawdry Burlesque. Real Burlesque is and could be incredibly sensual There is and will always be a vast difference between Cheap Sex and Real Sensuality! Which is one if the reasons why some Performers just put on a Show, by hitting their marks and repeating their Schtick. While Real Musicians, are so mesmerising, you’re not able to take your eyes off of them! Their Music is so profound, it actually elicits raw emotional responses from their Audiences. Which I believe is how the reference to “Soul Music” evolved, as the Musicians actually imbued their Music with a part of themselves. There will always be a easily recognisable difference between any type of a Public Performance, where the Performer is overcompensating for their lack of actual substance as opposed to an individual emoting their personal truth, with a mesmerising and morally balanced elucidation of Valuable and Pertinent Information, Messages or Songs. Rather then being the type of person who Tweets about the Bird’s Head they just bit off, they work to resolve rifts, which have grown so out of control, that we are all in danger of literally seeing the very fabric of everything that we believe in, completely torn asunder. With Acid Rain and the ever increasing possibility of Mushroom Clouds on the not to Distant Horizon!
  • 1 star really?

    By Death Doom & Thrash Metal Head
    I am a guy who normally listens to bands like Slayer, Exodus, Cannibal Corpse but this is an awesome album no matter how you slice it! Anyone giving this one star needs to get some ear transplants or open their minds from a narrow musical view.
  • ICON!!!!

    By Jake2PDX
    Macy Grey is a classic, an original singer/song writer, with a uniquely beautiful voice. She is an artist that will be listened to and studied throughout time!! Love you Macy girl!!
  • Classic

    By Djbeeshes
    This ish jams like a fool...my fave is "Why didn't ya call me"
  • Amazing album

    By Mikemattdsa
  • Love the pure soul in her voice

    By ;56?$
    One of the best soulful voices I have ever heard!!!!!! Love it and I'm surprised she is not more popular
  • Love the album!

    By Salazar1024
    Love the album, always puts a smile on my face, her voice is amazing.
  • only reviewing one song

    By Open To ANYTHING
    The song "I Try" is the only song I have, as it seems with the rest of her fans do also. I think this song was pretty good, but I can't speak for the rest of them. I do like a couple of her other songs, that I have heard on soundtracks over the years, but I can't name them off the top of my head.
  • Awesome CD

    By Music1234567
    I had this cd back in high school and I just recently rediscovered it! It's awesome. I am deffinatly interested in seeing what else Macy Gray has put out. Love the sound of her voice. I love the song I've Committed Murder! I originally had bought the cd for the songs I Try and Still but the whole CD is good.