By Alpha lover 🖤
I want to thank you for a beautiful song like this and I love who you are I wanna be just like you when I grow up because you are always so amazing and beautiful and I can’t wait to be just like you hehe 😜 I love you Doja Cat 🐈 keep rocking the world with your beautiful voice and your beautiful song’s. Oh and to all the haters you can hate her but don’t voice it because many people feel hurt and will cry and sometimes they will stop singing for the rest of their life’s so please don’t be mean to my beautiful Doja Cat 🐈.
By Faith Omega-Crystal
All of this album’s a bop.
Its me
By nacho_cheeselover
👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 poggers, slay, showstopping, awesome, and love u 👀
By ohdatsjustsunni
My favorites are get into it (yuh) need to know don’t do drugs kiss me more options been like this woman and you right (WELL THATS WHEN I FOUND OUT SHE COPIED LIBIANCA’S SONG WOMAN look Doja I’ll still be a fan of you but please!!! Don’t do that again!!)
By Moore demon slayer
Makes me think of my girl freind and it’s a good song I miss my girl freind :( thx for the memories doja cat 🐱
Literally the best
By Jfjfjrjshsujssjsjjwkwjwmsmsm
Doja is a queen. There’s no arguing that. Her songs are amazing. She’s an excellent rapper and singer, and her style is very unique and powerful.
By lucky ducky 3
best song in the whole album! Doja Cat your so talented I love you so much!! Your personality is so quirky and ur just amazing 💕💕💕💕💕 love you queen
Honestly perfect
By usherhater_#1
Hey, Doja
This is a very good album no doubt you have rose to the top and you have the ability to show the rest of the world who you are. Keep up the good work doja!
- Your Vocal Team
By tfggjjvvk
I love all the songs make more please
Me and my
By dabeast266874
Cat both like this😄🐈⬛🐈⬛🐈⬛🐈🐈