I love this song so much🔥🔥🔥🔥
By God of war⚔️
I always listened to OneRepublic since I was about 8 or 9 years old fire album and songs🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
I LOVE THIS!!! 😁❤️
By pn33333
It’s just great music i could listen to this all day 😁
So good!
By habxnbdhc
OneRepublic is the best!
Favorite Album
By Karissa1214
This has to be my favorite album by far. I don’t normally buy and entire albums by artists anymore but they got me with this one. It has definitely been a game changer
a personal album
By egg farm compony
When this album came out it showed us many things.starting of with the musical masterpiece “RUN” which has been a person favorite in this album to me. back when “better days” was released the world was a very confusing place.a change no one predicted.when this came out it felt as a sign of hope.that this may be the new normal infected earth but we will do what we always do.struggle,adapt,then overcome.
this album has had so much feeling.it felt as if we all had a connection to it.the songs felt made for us.it truly is a masters work of art.an easily deserving 5 Stars.
Best songs
By Missytwoshoesnoshoes
You guys have the best songs I know all of them
Yes, let’s go!
By Cafu if did teshyxg
This is the best song ever!
By Let’s-a-go
Run is great for running miles (1 hour 🔄). AKA the coolest song ever 😎😎😎Go Onerepublic
By Dark_linger
These guys have some pretty good songs
By Angry Wood Duck