A true mother in the making
By lyds729
This blissful ballad is the awakening to a whole, new life, and a mini (but also huge) gift in the very near future. 😃Well done, queen. After a hurricane, comes a rainbow.🌈
smoothing 💕
By iiaestheticmimixx
this song is sad and it makes me cry every time but I love it so much :(
By sharren G.
By Chwen500
all y’all giving this masterpiece one star because it’s not a dance type song and ‘not like her older music’ obviously don’t know that this song means a lot to her and is about her finally being happy and engaged to her soulmate. it’s a beautifully written, produced, and overall executed song. stan ms. katy perry. period.
I cried.
By Kantrelatekris
I’m so happy for Katy, she’s come a VERY long way. And she definitely showed us she’s still the queen with this beautiful,heartfelt, vocal filled ballad of excellence. Thank you Katy Perry, and we're here waiting for your next record/lead. ❤️❤️❤️
By Boy Reloy
One of her best songs EVER. Amazing.
Never Worn White
By Sierra Dos Santos
I’m very happy for Katy! This is a really beautiful song and her vocals in this songs gave me goosebumps. I love it
Unfortunate Choice
By B Jennings
Wow Katy you really are going down hill QUICKLY. This song is HORRENDOUS and totally should’ve been a B side song at best
By jake is quaking
Such a beautiful song
Awful! Katy Perry!
By tnevala
U r history! Showing your stupid pregnant belly for this ballad! Raising your stupid voice for it! U need to get married and get out of the music business! All your old stuff never sounded like this! I still like ‘Roar’ ‘Rise’ and ‘Hot n Cold’ my best of u, but hearing this makes me vomit 🤢 God speed u this rest of the way! Congratulations on your baby coming in the summer like u said! 🍼 👶