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Title Artist Time


  • G.O.A.T

    By x3azyx
    Happt that he is sober. Congratulations Eminem! Love all your music!
  • I’m loving this album

    By obiamking
    So I ended up getting this album not to long ago and man I listen to it today gave me so many memories
  • Nice

    By eden-woubesher
    Keep going
  • Rap God

    By Sewerat1978
    I love Relapse/Refill. I remember it like yesterday. Similar to MTBMB Side B, Relapse/Refill was the perfect bonus album. Only the Rap God could do this
  • Incredible

    By seth 123456789
    This album is perfect from songs like we made you to crack a bottle and 3 am and songs that make you laugh out loud like my mom and must be the ganja also the very funny Steve bermin skit was a very nice touch over all this 2 hour album is filled with golden music and I do recommend buying this album especially if you love classic slim shady songs
  • my hero.

    By kyliefjacks
    it may not be his best album, but the song 'beautiful' on this album single handedly has saved my life more than i'd say out loud. eminem has got me through it all and will always be the greatest of all time. no matter what he puts out, even if it's not his best, it's helping somebody.
  • Eminem is great

    By gabeB123
    Eminem is still going at it strong!
  • Amazing

    By Dabobbyboy
    As far as lyrics go, it wasnt the greatest, but definitely original
  • Worst album

    By YT Neil87487
    I usually love Eminem but I spent a lot of money on this album but it’s just not good at all I would way rather listen to encore