To my Boyfriend
By K.S.W love cats🐱
My Boyfriend sent me this song on instagram and the first time I heard it, I cried because that is an amazing song and it’s the summer now. Every day I think about him every time I listen to this song it reminds me of him and yes we talk through text BUT I still miss his amazing voice and the way he holds me❤️🩹❤️. I miss that.
Him 😭
By nickole loves ydd
I listen to this song whenever I’m thinking about my ex
He killed himself after we broke up and I regret everything and every time I hear this song it reminds me of him
By 6553775529
i feel like this song is great for making tiktoks
By reviewer on top
This song is good when your sad!
By ctian0725
My mom recently passed and when i listen to this song it makes me remember the love I have for her and how I wish I could still give put a smile on her face. Don’t take for granted what you have bc you never know when it will be gone.
Comfort song
By Camo_Queen9198
My best friend introduced me to this song told me to play this and think of him when im upset so now i do that thanks for making this and helping me:)
Dedicate this to my daughter
By Chelle042
My daughter has helped me so much and been there for me every time I’ve needed her or someone period. This is the perfect song for her. Thank you kina for making the perfect song!! I love you soooo much brit!! You are my heart, my world, my little best friend, the air I breathe, just my complete everything!!! I love you more than anything in / out this world!!! You’ll never understand how much I love you until you have your own child someday. Thank you baby girl for everything you do / have done for me. It means everything for me. You have literally saved my life more than I can count. You are my angel ! You are so perfect in my eyes! And I wish you the best in life and In everything you do and succeed in. Remember, you only lose if you stop trying. Never let anyone bring you down! You are a child of God and can and will accomplish anything you put effort in. Mommy loves you babygirl!!! This is my ringtone for you now 😊💜
Amazing Song
By AwesomeAnonamous
When you’re in your feels ❤️
By 😋serena😋
I quacking love this song so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Get you the moon
By LondonM.
Rly good song when ur in ur feelings
By Lil JJ