A Grower, But Worth It
By Geo0718
I initially listened to it because it was high on the year end lists of various Best Pop Albums so I looked into it and thought “Missing U” was repetitive( and to a certain degree it still is) but it is definitely a grower for me. “Baby Forgive Me” and “Being Human” are perfect. I came back and I’m glad I did because this is still at least pure pop. It has synth, drums and an 80’s retro feel to it. This is totally worth it!
Discovered while seeing “And Then We Danced”
By Bobby-james
I wasn’t overly familiar until just screening the film “And Then We Danced.” There’s a scene, a very sensual, sexy scene set to this song. It was a perfect movie moment and now I have this song and that scene committed to memory. 👍🏻
Less power-infused than expected.
By balvininfinity
Missing U, Honey and Ever Again are instantaneous likes. The other songs might take some time to capture my attention, but are reminiscent of her pre-Body Talk albums. She sited Kate Bush and early Prince as inspiration, which can be heard in Honey and Ever Again, respectively. Yet, I’m hoping that this 40 minute 9-track album will be followed by another EP very soon...
Don’t expect the whole thing to be like Missing U, Honey, Dancing on My Own and None of Dem.
I really think that Robyn should have released Human Being or Ever Again back in August 2018 to give the fans time to adapt to the new direction, and kept Missing U and Honey as gems for the full release.
By solsverige
This is amazing records that follows me home every night. Thank you for this music. It sets my heart on fire.
Obsessed with Robyn
By agurt
Loved her since 1998❤️❤️❤️
She Came Thru Y'all
By Slayde_88
If a song like "Send to Robin Immediately" is on a loop for several days in my stereo, we've got something here. Thank you for the beautiful dream that continues with the artist known as Robyn😍😍😍🏳️🌈🇸🇪
heartbreak goddess
By Urban_Monk
This album takes time to show it's best features. So does almost all Robyn songs and projects. She is a force and truly authentic. Plus, live, her tour explains why this album was one of the best of 2018 and should also be for 2019
her best one !
By UlisesH21
this album grew on me , this has to be her best one yet, i saw her live in Chicago and has to be one of the best concert i've ever been to!!
By janetboidan
Robyn is amazing. The album is so right and a great listen.
By sodope
Baby she has what we need