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Title Artist Time


  • #Love

    By izkitty
    #Yespleaseiwannadancetothtis #🎧🎧🎧🎵🎵🎵🎶🎶🎶🩵💜🩵💜
  • This feeling ❤️

    By PantherstarofSkyclan
    Amazing song i cant get enough of it. Also if you read Warriors by Erin Hunter this is the perfect song for Bristlefrost and Rootspring
  • side effects :)

    By i love emily warren
    i love this song and always will 4 am forever!!!
  • Wolf gang 27

    By just life i think
    Loveing it.
  • Best of luck

    By black ice😈
    I love this feeling song
  • Oh also AGAIN so sry

    By Music artist🎧🎤
    Njnoi sry if I spelt it wrong anyways though haters are really bad and they should be more positive it doesn’t mean you have to go and become them some people just don’t know how to express their feelings politely when they are feeling hatred or disgust, they don’t like something don’t say anything or try and saying it in a nice way, but anyways you don’t have to go and say oh I want them to pass away I don’t like saying the dye word I spelt it like that instead of the real word that means pass away anyways it’s disrespectful saying those things cause your just making it worse for them to understand to not say rude and disrespectful things sure you can say the other things in your comment, but not “dye” you know what I mean, just you made it worse by spreading even MORE negativity please the world doesn’t need even more negative things here.
  • This is the most generic song ever

    By CyanCanary
    All new songs sound the same to me. Honestly we need a song that sounds like it could give us a feel of the 80’s or something just like that. All these songs today sound identical. Just a pop singer who’s voice is laced with autotune, a beat drop which is full of autotune too, and a generic snap sound effect.
  • I live on The west side of America where they spend lies on the fairy dove (*'ω'*)

    By sector0-0
    I love the beat I really just like songs because of the words and the beats and this is cool so yeah :3
  • Its okay

    By parent of teen
    Club music. The stuff you listen to after a long stressful week and you want to not think about anything. Its the kind of music that you dress up in trendy clothes and eat trendy food at the trendy night club. So what its not deep and the lyrics are shallow and the beat is similiar in most of the songs. Thats what it is all about. Every generation has thier safe, shallow party songs that get your mind off things and just move on the dance floor. Its like the chicken dance or the macarana and the YMCA and Yakiti Yak. Not serious but meant for being silly, fun and danceable. So its perfect for night clubbing.
  • 💚☘️Oooooo UwU💚☘️

    By 😎Jenesis 😎
    It was amazing I love listening to it ur a great singer I really recommend it!~it gives me confidence and a great feeling it’s one of my tops!!💗💗🌻🌻🌻🌻😊😊😊😊 -Jenna