Good, Not Great
By Stratocaster King
Guns N’ Roses is one of my favorite rock bands ever and Use Your Illusion I is not just my favorite GNR album but one of my favorite albums of all time. So when I listened to Use Your Illusion II, I anticipated a masterpiece of an album that I could go back to and that I’d love pretty much every track on. However after listening, I was a bit disappointed. Sure, great songs are on here but the album as a whole is a bit bloated. However, while this album may have some duds in the track list, this album also has some of the best songs in the entire band’s discography. The cover of Bob Dylan’s Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door is in my top 5 list of Guns N’ Roses songs, Estranged is a great ballad with some nice guitar and piano, You Could Be Mine is pretty good and Civil War is a great opener to the album. So I’d say if you’re a fan of Guns N’ Roses or just rock music in general, you should give this album a listen as it is still pretty good in my opinion.
By ΅
Good, but could be better
Well Done
By Xboss57 2
G&R has managed to make 3 borderline perfect albums in their career. Well done. This one isn't as good as its predecessor but it still is amazing.
Civil War
By Big EbD
This is America's greatest musical contribution to the goal of a Pax Americana sans Iudea!
Great album
By just a german
Civil war has to be one of my most favorite songs in the hard rock genre. This is a must buy!!!
Great album
By William 9870
This is a great album my favorite songs are shotgun blues, knocking on heavens door, civil war, and get in the ring
Favorite GN’R Era!
By Pasherik
This was my first GN’R album. Got it in 91’ when I was 12. This album inspired me to play guitar. I love this band. Wish they kept putting out tunes back then. Love the Izzy Strandlin songs wish he were still in the band. Hoping they do one more great record.
Estranged ❤️
By Krkdkdklckc
Idc what anyone says Estranged is GNRs masterpiece, November Rain being a close second. This album is a must have for any music fan never-mind any rock n’ roll fan!
By Gunsnrosesfan24
Amazing album!