Off My Feet - Single - Pia Mia

Off My Feet - Single

Pia Mia

  • Genre: Pop
  • Release Date: 2017-12-01
  • Explicitness: notExplicit
  • Country: USA
  • Track Count: 1

  • ℗ 2017 Pia Mia Recordings


Title Artist Time
Off My Feet Pia Mia 2:51


  • What is this? :/

    By smitty 2008
    When you are as beautiful and talented as Pia and then you put this out... after you are first of all introduced by Bella Thorne and then become friends with the Kartrashians... you really need to put something out- This is crap! She was signed by Interscope and then they dumped/shelved her... Does she want to be a music artist or just get attention? She put stuff on Youtube, she's supposedly Madonna's clothing spokesperson, she supposedly has her own fashion line coming out...What does Pia want?... to make music, to get attention, to get publicity?... No one cares. You are nobody. Make your name! This song is horrible but Do It Again, Touch, We Should Be Together, etc... THAT'S where your strength is... make music and stop tryin' to just get attention- ugh... This song is horrible...
  • So cool🤩Love it❤️

    By jaycesonnnn
  • Album!

    By JazzAbney
    Where is the album at Pia!? Your label is playing girl! We need it!! This song is 😍🙌🏽💙
  • by FictionGirl

    By FictionGirl
    PIA MIA=Queen👑! Me encanta!!❤️