By Jasline Devereaux
I don't even watch the show but I love this creation from the theme song. I've had it on my iPod for about 2 months and never knew who did the track until now. Listen to the track at 3:10; its my favorite part of the song!!
By alixvandurand
DJ's such as myself need UNPROTECTED songs. We cannot use your ACC-Protected music! This encrypted crap is a waste of our money. Please update everything with plus and fast!! over 90% of the selections i search for are protected and im forced to pirate some low quality version. I am tired of it. i WANT to pay the artists for making a good song. just please sell your music without the stupid encryption!
By PB Lover
This is stupid. They completely took the good songs and sounds from the show that usually make you feel all happy cuz u no that your about to watch the best show ever. But this is a realy bad plagorized version of the songs that completely messes it up and makes it sound terrible.
By Mill River House
Wow, this is awesome. The only thing I would say is that I like the soundtrack without the beats happen'in in the backround. I can just imagine Michael and his merry little band of (hot)misfits planning their escape.(well Michael is planning the escape...the other guys are sitting around do'in nothing...)
Prison Break kicks bum
By chymmichonga
prisonbreak is the best show and soooooo much better than 24 i dont c y people like 24 better
By Porthos76
I had no idea this was even out there. I just recently became a Prison Break fan, it's great that Corsten did this. "LEF" is an excellent cd also, there isn't a song I don't like. Most highly recommended! Will be seeing him spin in a club on Friday , can't wait.
Prison break is the best show in the world!!
By Prisonbreakfan1
Prison break is my fav show. It should win every award possible. The album is so nice to hear when your waiting in line . Enjoy :)
PrisonBreak has skips
By spinpa
I love the song, but the extended version has two noticeable skips. This is unacceptable. I tried to report it on the history file; the history page appeared, but there was no place to report the problem. It seems that itunes makes it difficult to report any problem. They should give credits when they sell inferior quality. Does anyone know how to report this?
By brunsnc910
these songs are pretty good and should be had on an i-pod
Great music for a great show
By Matt Jack Brown
I just wish that they would come out with a soundtrack for all of the songs that are in the show. Some of the slower beats that come during the times when Scofield is thinking...