
  • Genre:
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Title Artist Time


  • Distance is going the distance!

    By Gen38
    I am thrilled, and I absolutely love the song. I really, really like the unique sound, with the rap cuts, and the great vocals! Alan Z has definitely proven that he can perform successfully through various music styles. With that being said I know not to be disappointed and after hearing Distance for the first five times absolutely flawless and I can't wait to hear more of this young rising artist. Alan Z has another fan to add to the list.
  • Alan Z

    By AznIntellect
    This is some good hip hop & R&B . Looking foward to the EP
  • fire 🔥🔥🔥🔥

    By Eddie Kaba
    These song is fire , You should have this song on your phone, / Alan Z , I wish you the best 👌👏🙏
  • A song worth staying on repeat.

    By chantae13
    This is such a great song with an easy flow. I enjoyed listening to it from beginning to end. Thanks Alan for sharing your music and style with us and I can't wait to hear more from you! Keep it coming!!
  • Will not disappoint

    By Dekayvalentine
    Alan Z is one of Atlanta's greatest treasures and he doesn't let down with the new single, Distance. I really enjoyed it and hope to hear more great things from him in the future.
  • Distance is a hit!!!

    By _itsBrittini
    I absolutely love listening to the story that's told in this song and how completely relatable it is! Thanks for creating great music and giving us this piece of work, Alan Z! This is gonna stay on repeat!