This isn’t deadmau5
By App inspecting rock
This doesn’t sound like deadmau5 at all! This is the kind of thing I’d expect from C418, but if it was coming from him I would be ok with it, but I think this is just not what deadmau5 is supposed to sound like.
By hdjxbenqbsbsvd
I just bought cat thruster then walked away
2016album review
By RS_Jaxx
AHHHH here we're back to good mau5. SO much better than While. You gotta be patient and have that mau5y taste, but it's good. Couldn't give it 5 stars because it couldn't quite come to my love of > album < but it's great.
It’s great
By Joe_Taco
It’s good, but after >Album Title Goes Here< and While(1<2) it’s hard to appreciate this album cause the previous albums set the bar so high
By Varcity23
Here's how to review music
By drewcraft
I don't like eating 5 stars because nothing is ever perfect. That being said, I loved this album for what is was (fav tracks No Problem and 4ware). Now what really make me mad is when people walk into a new album expecting the same thing they got last time! Then they turn around and say Imaginary Friends is Avitary because they are the SAME STYLE. Isn't that exactly what you want? Believe it or not, artists don't like releasing the same track over and over and over. Doing something different does not mean he has stopped trying. But for what it's worth he didn't really like this album either way so yah.
Ps. Minimalist and simple are two far different things.
Repetitive but classic
By Electric Beast
People mention that Deadmau5's songs are repetitive, but Joel just does that. Repetitive songs are just classic for the man with the Mau5head. I personally like the classic repetition that Mau5 uses in his songs. Their good for dance parties IMO
AWESOME !!!!!!
Can you imagin a show where he opens with "Imaginary Friends"?? I can ...... 'cause I've seen it done ..... and it's unreal. TYSM for making an awesome album and awsome tunes ..... !!!!!!!!!!!!!
So I get why it isn't everyone's favorite
By breexes
Listening in headphones is kind of underwhelming, but live this record is amazing so I can't really say I don't like it.
Better Yet
By Flip-of-Switch
This album proves that Mr. Zimmerman keeps getting better and better at his craft.