By Kai Kane NC
Really good
This is my most listened to album of 2016
By Therapy Session
I’ve been listening to Deep Sea Diver for years and they’ve consistently put out quality music, but Secrets is the great album I knew they would some day make. This album is packed full of memorable, catchy tunes with great guitar melodies, interesting time signatures and dynamic arrangements. I’ve listened to this album so many times already that I’ve lost count. It’s definitely worth the money, especially since it’s independently released, which means you’re supporting the musicians directly and not a big record company.
By hellaballakrys
This is my favorite Deep Sea Diver release thus far
Rock Meets Alternative
By Saint_
I’ve wondered how iTunes decides whether a band is rock or alternative. I’m still not sure but I know this seems to combine the best of both those genres. The shoegaze rhythms combined with the crunchy guitars make a very nice backdrop to the strange cross of Heart and the Cocteau Twins by the vocalists.”Wide Awake” is the best single, but “Creatures of Comfort" is the most calming to listen and drive to. Is it Rock? Is it Alternative? Who cares…It’s good.
By Ickymicky
This is under the “Rock” category?? The world in 2016 is a strange place, smh.
Deck The Hall Ball Show Now The CD
By All We Are Saying...
Saw them in December at the Deck The Hall Ball. Thought to myself, wish these songs were on a CD. & lookee what we have here. Love It! Check it out folks... Indie Rock @ it's freshest Diving Deep your Sea...?
Wide Awake!!!!!
By db playlist
WOW! This song is SUPERBADASS!
Best album in 2016!!!!!
By Last Wookie
Amazing! Out of this world creative tones and melodies with mental drum and bass drive energy. Unstoppable!!!
Great so far!
By Anonymous Music Lover26
I'm waiting until the album is officially released to buy songs, but what I've heard I love! I saw them in concert in December and they are honesty amazing. Can't wait to hear more from this band