
  • Genre:
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Title Artist Time


  • So amazing

    By Crossy road rules!!!
    I love all of these songs. I literally sat in the car on an hour drive and listened to "Gibberish" over and over, for the whole drive.
  • MAX

    By Darious Jonas
  • Flight 609 is the best!

    By ALVAREZZ3000
    Amazing EP! Loving "Flight 609". It should be the next singe!
  • Meh

    By Davy Munster
    Sorry I prefer the actual song Gibberish over the entire EP. Waiting for the right sound with MAX he's got the voice but meh songs about women and sexual intercourse, anyone can do.
  • max ❤️❤️

    By Maryrk
    absolutely love this and his EP! he's the only person I haven't actually unfollowed on Instagram BC I wanna make sure I know when his music comes out!! absolutely love this EP!
  • Worth the buy

    By Rguerin150
    Crosses all genres.
  • Good for what it is.

    By forschen
    This EP is a strong release for sure. But I think, for me personally, part of what I loved most about MAX was his ability to blend pop, hip-hop, big band and even slightly reggae beats together. The Ms. Anonymous EP was another very strong release, incorporating many genre influences and showcasing his vocal abilities, but the Wrong EP seems to struggle with that a bit. Although his abilities are on full display (are you hearing that insane falsetto?! Is he even human?!), I feel like this EP tends to miss the blending of genres that really made MAX stand out. It's like a synthesizer meltdown, but a really tasteful synthesizer meltdown. It's well done, but it's not necessarily a page from MAX's book, in my opinion.

    By Carmen Piña
    I always look forward to listening to his music because he is just so dedicated and works so hard. And, his music is just AMAZING, my favorite is "That Kind Of Love" I LOVE MAX ahhh
  • MAXimum Potential & Talent

    By MRedlich
    MAX is an amazing artist and showman. I saw him on the Boyz of Zummer Tour with Hoodie Allen, Wiz Khalifa & Fall Out Boy; his constant movement and energy on the stage was incredible to watch. It’s really unfortunate that his awesome music and vocals haven’t really taken propelled him to the next level like they should have by now. SPREAD THE WORD ABOUT THIS GUY!!! MAX, ever since I discovered your music I’ve been in love with it. Keep doing what you’re doing.
  • He never disappoints

    By JillianCoke
    I met him, and he's the sweetest guy ever. He has some great music, it's different, and unique, and I can't get enough. Love you Max, always excited to hear your stuff! 😊