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  • Video Length: 0:00

Music Video


  • Amazing!

    By Livin' Buble!
    These duets by the two of them are so touching and you can see how much it all means to Lisa. She didn't have a lot of years with her dad but she can to know him better throught the years. Lovely to hear them both. I followed Elvis since I was 9yrs old. He mean't a lot to me in my early years as a kid you hold on to the rock and roll era, that was mine! I loved it. I was lucky my parents liked him my mother especially she liked his honesty and emotion in songs. Me too! Once an Elvis fan always an Elvis fan~~ <3 by: #1Elvisfan
  • Beautiful

    By easavage
    I love this family... I know how intensely private Lisa is, so I hope she'll see how appreciate fans are of her sharing memories.
  • Great Video

    Thanks Lisa for sharing a part of your world.
  • Beautiful, touching

    By DaniM1999
    This video/song made me cry! it's wonderful!
  • So touching

    By Masheen45
    Love that Lisa Marie Presley put together such a sweet video. I think it shows how much she loves her dad and family, her kids are adorable and the old films of her parents are great to see. I hope she continues singing and doing duets with her dad. Thanks Lisa for sharing your private moments with the world.
  • Excellent!!

    By Ddufour
    Excellent, excellent, excellent!! Thank you Lisa for sharing this with us. Please do more of these!!