By Badam777
I love their new sound:D
Good stuff
By Turtle99
I'm With You is a satisfying album. Josh K. may not have the skills John F. , but RHCP lives on.
Red Hot Redux
By live4mark
Many people are so focused on who's not in the current incarnation of the band that they are missing out on some very good music. Is Josh equal to John Frusciante? Who cares ... he fits in perfectly for the current Chili sound. This video is the perfect example of where the Chilis are right now: it is not nearly as quirky as their classic vids from By The Way or Californication. Rather, it is a celebration of what the band is about today: music. The band seems in sync while performing this new song and I look forward to a continued progression as the RHCP continue to jell together.
Hey Chili fans: stop looking back at what was because you're missing what is ... and it's all good!
Who cares ....
By Black Bond
Dude, who cares if John Frusciante isn't in the group anymore....He was/is an amazing guitarist, but their new music is still really awesome!! This video is sweet!!
By RHCP1989
RHCP + J.Frusciante + Rick Rubin = some of the best licks in rock history.
Hope he returns someday. Not the same without him.
By Albert Horrorpunk
This video is great, good to know they are still getting out fantastic music.
The video takes place in venice,ca and it fits the chili peppers so well being from southern cal, Anthony has so much energy in the video,and so does the audience, the stash is cool, good ol' chili peppers!
By 11112BK
No John Frusciante ..... It ain't so good
Love them!!!
By Beezee420
I love the chili peppers and have for like 20 years. I'm always so happy and excited when something new comes out from them and this is definitly a good one.
RHCP rocks!!!
By Jacobo12
Love this band!!!
1 word: Epic
By DubstepJeff
I love this video and song. But it is not as great as their other songs but still great.