Heart Skips a Beat


  • Genre: Pop
  • Release Date: 2011-03-22
  • Explicitness: notExplicit
  • Country: USA
  • Video Length: 3:24

Music Video


  • I got it for free!

    By Bitaaaaaaa
    It is really worth the space! I wouldn't pay for it, but it's really good for free! It is now 1.99 and I think that is a lil over priced. Not a lot though! It's really cute video. I love the operation reference because that used to be my childhood wish. I would always want one of those sets but never got my own. :[ memories <3
  • Lenka!!!!!!!

    By jeant2122
    U r very talented. The vid is kinda in many ways weird, but I love how u keep your songs clean and up beat.
  • Cute

    By CatholicPineapple
    But weird.

    By Rulitesm US
  • greeaat

    By SLG32
    its a suuper catchy song!!! its my neew fave! the beat is good. the lyrics are repetitive but thats how they get stuck in your head! the video is really weird but its worth it for freeee!!! pretty darn good--gett it!why not?
  • What the

    By Doglover10
    Is this music?
  • Thanks ITunes!!!!

    By Itstori333
    I love this! Ive never heard of her before but im glad i know her now!!!! Her voice is really pretty and the song is really catchy!! I will def be checking out more of her stuff!
  • Love Lenka!!!!!!!!! Amazing live too...

    By skycat333333
    I just love Lenka's music!!!! I have her whole first album + more and I got her second CD at a concert last week (which I got autographed, by the way :D)!!!! Her new album, "Two", is just as amazing as the first album! This song in particular is good!!!! It's one of my favorite songs!!!! This is not her best video, but it's cute and unique as usual... buy her other videos (+songs) by the way! And, another thing you should know about Lenka is that she is actually a nice person! I have met her (at the concert when she signed my CD)!!! Support nice people, that's what I say!!!!!! :D I <3 using exclamations marks as you can see --------> !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yay! Lenka's music is sooooooo cute and nice and happy!!!! :D :) :]
  • Cute

    By GabieB
    Never a very big fan of the auto-tune sugar pop music, but she's got this kind of upbeat perikness in this vid. Cute.
  • Very clever and entertaining...

    By Darth Vay Der
    I ended up buying everything she has on iTunes, including the preorder. I love it all.