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  • Video Length: 0:00

Music Video


  • el mejor

    By j4v!!3r
    sin mas palabras siempre el mejor, una persona k no calla lo k piensa.
  • esta bueno el video

    By marcosrdznge
    son los mejores

    By migueleon0069
    Gracias calle 13 por hacer musica creativa y dar el mensaje muy buen duo espero que sigas teniendo mucho exito
  • Calle 13 le escupe a todo mundo sus verdades

    By itsmef3rnand0
    por eso son los mejoreS!!!
  • Calle 13 at its rawest!!!

    By Mr.Fabian NYC
    The Puerto Rican group Calle 13, lead by Rene Perez has exponentially grown and demonstrated how much Urban Latino music can grow into. Visitante's choice of musical melodies and Rene's no-nonse mouth/lyrics set these guys apart from the rest. Calma Puebo reminds the people that they are here to stay, the video is censored up to the point to blur out nude bodies, but we all can still appreciate the content of the lyrics and the message of the video. Great socially-conscious music video, just as Me Voy Pa'l Norte but much stronger and with raw energy. Great collabo with Mars Volta... I hope reggeatoneros such as Wisin y Yandel, Jowell y Randy, Alexis y FIdo, Don Omar or even Daddy Yankee give us songs with much more intellectual content rather than just club music, I don't think these guys have recently picked up a book or a newspaper... especially Jowell & Randy. Im sorry but with the power of the mic on their hands, Calle 13 truly contributes to Latino progression, while these other artists fall short.
  • lo mejor

    By joseres
    es lo mejor que han hecho me llega sigan los exitos