Nice but sad
By bmjjk
I lik the sng but wen u see him wit glasses on the cover view of the msc vid b u press it It looks sad
By DevinAlabama
I absolutely love this vid. It is soo cute! Chris Brown is an amazing artist and I will always be a fan.
The only bad thing about this video: that girls head is like half shaved or something.. /:
It's Good
By HumberTic0
I like how he dances reminds me of MJ. Overall the video is good but not great.
Back to love
By Brunette4rodeo
Love them glasses! And love the jaw flex! Chris brown is amazing
I love this song!!
By -Truely' Me
Everyones talking about what he did and how they hate him. Well you're not rating/reviewing on what he did its about the song "Crawl" ok. I don't agree with what he did but it's not going to stop me from listening to his music.
Anyway i love this song!!! Buy it because of the song not beacuse of him.
:) <33
By -Liindsay! :) !@#$%^&*
ii thoughtt honestlyy that this songg was MAD sweet;buut who's he tryna wiin bakk.?orr gett.?lol;whateverr;it was stiil cuute :DD
Love the song
By LadyJay43
Ok ok. We all know what happened in his personal life. If your personal life were broadcasted 24hours a day you'd be shamed, too. I'll never support the incident that happened...but, I will always support good music, especially with the bs out now days. This song speaks a lot about life and I LOVE it. So, as long as good music is being made, I will support it. Leave the attack on personal lives to the tabloids.
By Jland2000
Dude chris brezzy this song is raw Dude that's wassup
Stay focus
By Stylist V
Hey Chris. I was so happy to see you back on TV at the BET Haitian relief concert. You have so much to offer this industy. Stay focus you got it.
NcPsalmbring so much to this industy. Just stay focus this too will pas x
Not a good look
By Raebee1335
He really needs to lose the UGLY glasses...