Meditation from Underwater - Relax and Discover Spiritual Healing and Well Being

Nature Sounds

  • Genre: New Age
  • Release Date: 2009-10-02
  • Explicitness: notExplicit
  • Country: USA
  • Video Length: 6:13

Music Video


  • Washed away of negetive spiritual \(^_^)/

    By GhoSTy-EYE
    I'm totally love it!!! it really feel like I'm in the underwater, and also helps Meditating my body to calm my spirit!!!
  • Underwater, Very Reflective.

    By Sean Drift
    At first, I thought, "Where is the boat? Is this It. Water? Sound." Come on where is the action. All Right, I'll listen. I’ll watch the light braking through the water. Light that shows one second and reappears in a second location, then a third, etc. In a short time, another light spikes through the water in another location and other spikes of light work their way into your watery theatre. All the while, the sound in this liquid environment provides a pulsating-relentlessness drama. Water surging, rushing, and being. The great part of all this, I don't need to hold my breath. In some circles, this Nature Sound would be restful, actually, very reflective. And so it is. During the times I have watched and listened to this cut, I allow the sights and sounds of the water to take me on to think about the day I just finished. The six-dollar lattes, Rushing here and there like ant dweller in a Maze. As I think of the day, I am running the tape. Although, not a prayer, in a formal prayer's words. It is a "prayer" of where we can move in heart and mind. By the way, formal prayer, very much, works, with the Spirit of the Water. In closing, the “”Mediation from Underwater” can do all it is noted to be and more. As for the boat, showing up? I am working on it.
  • Like SCUBA without the fish ... very peaceful

    By Lisa / Reno
    There is no music with this one, just the sound of the ocean. It is easy to imagine being 8 to 10 feet under ... feeling the pressure, popping your ears ... getting ready to ascend or descend ... and then getting into just being there ...