By andyourbirdcansing-
Arctic Monkeys have so much talent. Their music has progressed smoothly over the years and with Humbug they have shown their growth. I'm aware many do not like their new style, but personally I love it (not to say I'm not a HUGE fan of their other material because I am). The lyrics are still there, the voice, the beats, but it's just a bit matured. Crying Lightning is a wonderful tune (always stuck in my head I must add) and the video is no lesser. It consists of the band members riding in a little sail boat through the ocean. Alex croons as they sail until some giant sea monster copy of Mr. Turner comes up from the bottom of the sea, plays the solo, the other giant versions of them appear, and the Monkeys ride under the giants with slightly scared looks on their faces. Crazy? A bit, but nothing less of genius in my book. It made me chuckle a bit I admit, but it is certainly creative. The video is magical in its own right and in a strange way tells the songs story perfectly. If your an Arctic Monkeys fan, buy this. If not, go check out their work. You won't be disappointed.
P.S: Everyone seems to hate their new hair. I don't love it, but it's not terrible. Plus, I really doubt Alex cares what fans think of his hair. Eh, just my opinion. But it's about the MUSIC right?