Trouble Is a Friend


  • Genre: Pop
  • Release Date: 2009-08-06
  • Explicitness: notExplicit
  • Country: USA
  • Video Length: 3:25

Music Video


  • Man

    By erich3742
    My 3 year old daughter watches alot of my little pony, and she found a utube video that has this song with a pony video. I now here this song in my head all hours of the day and night.
  • Wierd but cool

    By Crazy Music Maniac
    when i saw this video my first thought was that it was completely strange, but as the video went on i realized how cool it is.lenka's style is...different, and her videos have some sort of curiosity to that makes you want to watch/listen to more of her work.this video brought something new to the table of music videos, using cool looooking graphics and playfull flicks to give it some...well, flare.good job lenka, im definitly buying this video!
  • i luv herr

    By MyMusic123
    i luvvvvv lenka!! she is very talented and very beuatiful. U should check out the sow cause it awesome!!!
  • I Love You Lenka!

    By Wicked Style
    This music is like so hip and cool and this video totally compliments it! Go Lenka! :D
  • The best

    By elizanne129
    Lenka is an amazing artist. All of her music has some kinda message, and its catchy and fun! She's absolutely the best!!!
  • A Pleasure, As Always.

    By iSing To My Own Song
    This is such a fantastic video. Lenka is a bloody brilliant artist and really deserves some more recognition in the US. But, anyways, the video is absolutely wonderful--love the animation. This is my new favorite video, haha. This, in my opinion, is better than the video for "The Show"; it's got an "old fashion-esqe" feel to it. And though I personally didn't like the song, it seems much better going to the video. Kudos to Lenka for a fantastic and unique video.
  • Bravo!!

    By Musical honesty
    I am SO excited that Lenka has made an awesome video for "Trouble Is A Friend" I LOVE Lenka and this video is so creative! Three cheers for the beautiful Lenka!
  • impresed

    By music@dicct
    i am quite impressed with this video. it holds a funand creative vibe with ou t being overly exesive. 5 stars!
  • Interesting

    By The Wolf Lady, Tala™
    It's a good idea, the song's okay, and there's nothing wrong with it--it's just not that... Special, you know?
  • Amazing!

    By thesurfermoon
    Lenka is amazing and this video is outstanding. Great production and visual interpretation of this cool song. I love Lenka! She is great live in concert and her band is top notch! Can't wait for her next album.