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  • Video Length: 0:00

Music Video


  • Summer in chowchilla

    By Summer in chowchilla
  • Love this song

    By B&DPossemember
    I listen to this song over and over! They are a wonderful duo! I am saddened by their separation. They are perfect and touch my heart with each ballad. What a duo loss to country music. God's speed on their new ventures.
  • Any Brooks and Dunn Fan

    By starry58
    This is a must have. It is a great video. Better get them while you can cause it won't be long before they split up. They are so talented and I have watched them since the beginning with Boot Scootin Boogie. We love you guys. It seems like they have always been there. They will be missed.
  • Love it!

    By !!Lady Bug<3:)!!
    Need i say more i love this song and the viedo ! Oh and the little boy is freaking adorable!
  • Fantastic video!! Fantastic song!!

    By Litlob24
    I am so gonna miss these guys!!! It's breakin my heart that they are leaving, but at least they have left us some fantastic music and videos to remember them buy!! Thank you B&D!!!

    By innej2006
    This is a great song and a fabulous video. Love it!!
  • Indian Summer

    By Dirty Cowboy
    Ronnie D continues to have a great stylist.....very cool shades. Like the high school football concept, muscle car and wine in the coffee cups at a shady motel. Great video
  • Winding down with a winner--

    By ssj102
    These guys only get better with age. Sorry to hear next year is the last for them together. This song represents everything they have done and how far they have come. Ronnie and Kix have not lost their roots to country music. This song should go to the top of the charts. I, for one, will miss hearing them and seeing them around. If you buy any songs or videos, this one is a must! Enjoy--
  • love it!

    By mama2_3gs
    ive been waiting for this song.great song.great video.these guys totally rock!!
  • great video

    By dollyh45
    these guys just can't make a bad video or a bad song !!! they do it right the first time !!!!!