
Jordin Sparks

  • Genre: Pop
  • Release Date: 2009-07-21
  • Explicitness: notExplicit
  • Country: USA
  • Video Length: 3:53

Music Video


  • Interesting points

    By Sorceress Mickey
    This song has interesting points, because Jordin Sparks is talking about her boyfriend that didn't treat her right. It's very energetic even though it's old school.
  • Awww memories =}

    By dev430on
    I remember that this was my 1st song I sang it front of people. LOVE U JORDAN!!!
  • ❤ the song!

    By Hiddenfists
    Okay, I love the song, but the video, not as much. I'm not trying to be mean, but it's just u in dresses in a field and in a car. It would've been cool to c u with a shield, flag, stuff like that, since it's called "Battlefield." Otherwise, it's a great song, okay video, and great singer😊
  • battlefield

    By gman5683
    this is one of the best music videos i have ever seen
  • Uhhhh

    By Emmys apple juice123
    It isn't very good gosh why is she in a car she should be in a battle field duh that's the name of the song!
  • awesome!!!!

    By dancergirl234
    this videos super cool!! the lighting is great and the smoke is awesome! and for those of you who don't know, the car resembles jordan sparks in her car thinking, oh no,this relationship is hard. its in the grass because she gets out and it leads to the smoke which resembles the battlefield(cannons=smoke). you rock jordan!!!! Thanks!
  • WOW!!!

    By Killer kat
    You look so pretty in this video and u can really sing! Jordin great singing and i love the video!! Wroth evey penny!
  • Well....

    By cierramiller
    It ok but the vid isnt
  • Nice

    By Fuzzyslippers102
    This song rox I love it
  • Good Ok Good

    By Snowball242
    I love the song so do my cousins and their boys.

Videos from this artist