By Ann0yin
Daughtry has been amazing from the start..These guys have an awesome sound...KEEP IT UP GUYS!!
Great Rock
By tjginger@charter
55 years old. I know good rock. This is great rock. Finally, a group who understands what makes great rock.
By someone54543545
daughtry rox!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My take on daughtry
By Daughtry lover! :)
well what i think is that daughtry is the BEST band ever! im like truelly obessed with this band! the song is amazing and including all of the many other ones they wrote i hope there is more on the way!! And i agree no one should compare him with american idol anymore that was a while ago and he is honestly to good for that show anyway!
By iLovePublix
WOW..... Rock on, Daughtry!! What a humble, unique group of "rock stars"!!! I absolutely LOVE this song and this band!!!! Hmmmm.... I just might have to download the whole album :)
By Jayc_2oo6
People need to stop making refrences to American idol.. Chris daughtry is way above that level and way past that point in his career.. No suprise isn't my favorite song but the new album is awesome. The bottom line - Daughtry makes great music
Daughtry Rocks
By DaughtryFan11
I'm so glad Chris Daughtry did not win American Idol or else he wouldn't have a awesome band writing awesome songs! U rock Daughtry
Awesome Song!
By nickellis
Daughtry is one of the few bands that makes everybody love them, their so good, No Surprise definatley drew my attention, keep it up guys!
freakin awesome
By vampire92
The video is great and the song is even better! I love it! This might be my new fav daughtry song.
kool video!!!!
By jbjbjbjbjbjbjbjbjbjbjbjbjbjb
this is an awesome video and I hope that daughtry keeps making kool videos!!!!!