He Walked On Water

Randy Travis

  • Genre: Country
  • Release Date: 2009-03-17
  • Explicitness: notExplicit
  • Country: USA
  • Video Length: 3:27

Music Video


  • He Walked on Water - I too had a older gentlemen whom I thought walked on water.

    By Dimmickman
    My wifes father grew up in a very rural area of Idaho. He was still in his teens when he got a job busting broncs for the forest service. He also trained packed mules for them as well. His speach was right out of an old western, with phrases that captured an entire thought with the visual image it created. This Video does the same thing. In this song - He Walked On Water, Randy Travis brings back to memory those special people who for a season in your life walked water too. I have listened to this song well over a thousand times and I have watched the video several hundred. The video does what all videos should do - it enhances the song, somehow making it even better. If you collect Music Videos this one is an absolute must for your collection.

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