Grapevine Fires

Death Cab for Cutie

  • Genre: Alternative
  • Release Date: 2008-04-29
  • Explicitness: notExplicit
  • Country: USA
  • Video Length: 4:20

Music Video


  • Awesome!!

    By sjdamato
    My favorite song by them =)
  • Heartbreakingly beautiful.

    By MusicThomp
    This song is one of those songs that you can return to at the end of a long day and just live in peace with for a few moments. The gorgeous, tender bassline and guitar chords flow so beautifully with Ben's quiet croon...of all the bittersweet songs out there, this one takes the prize in my book for the most moving. The music video only accentuates the quiet sadness that the song resonates. It tells a story that, told to other songs, could simply be shockingly sad. However, the song brings a terrible beauty that leaves you staring at your computer screen at the end, hoping that everything will be alright... Death Cab has turned me into an emo kid. Of that I can't deny.
  • YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

    By smkncrs919
    I LOVE DEATH CAB FOR CUTIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! why can't they be the single of the week instead of that extremely random and suckish video? 8)
  • Beautifully Done!

    By PaleRoller
    Most videos attempt to use the music to further the director's vision. This video only enhances the story told by this wonderful song. The artwork is superb. Wonderful interpretation. Excellent execution.
  • wow!!!

    By JPD0998
    anothr great song as well as a music video keep it coming dcfc

    By Pyeeew
    Brilliant. Tragically brilliant. I honestly can't remember the last time I cried at a music video.
  • Amazing!

    By corinneadelle
    The video is visual matches the song perfectly. It's a sad story - I almost cried! It's got a great message though - the most precious things in life are those around us. Thank you Death Cab! Enjoy!
  • WOW!

    By You, Me, and the Alien
    This Music Video is so well done the creativity of the characters is fantastic and its very emotionally gripping. The music video goes right along with the song the whole time well Done D.C.F.C. . .well done

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