Where is Ke$ha?????
This video is stupid!! Poor Ke$ha!! Stupid Flo Rida didn't give her credit!!! Some people say it was because Ke$ha wasn't "famous yet" well I don't believe that for 1 second!!! Just because Ke$ha didn't have her "Big break," doesn't mean they can't credit her!! Ex: Cobra Starship's song "You make me feel..." was featuring Sabi, but they gave credit even though no one knows who Sabi is!!! BTW, @pickles990, umm that isn't Katy Perry. I'm not being rude but i'm a HUGE Katycat, and i know that. Sorry if i'm sounding mean :( I'm not trying to. Oh and @pickes990,if u did that in 2009, im sorry cuz i just had a new obssesion w/this song :). (Katy only had One of the Boys out in 2009 and she sorta sounded like that) So u get my point right?? Ke$ha could've even gained more fame if she was credited!!
Ashley 💘💘
By A-Dog56789012345
I do to!! Flo rida is A-W-S-O-M-E
Good but where is da Kesha??
By Randombob66
Would have given it full stars if Kesha was there. I mean really.
The song is great. I love flo rida!
Just realized his name spells Florida.. Lol:D
By Mtvrocks
ke$ha shouldve gotten credit
By Brightize
If u find this dumb tour a idiot
Kesha :(
By BlueHipposXD
Why is she not here
By Mikechickenboy
Man this song is awsome if yu don't like it yu can go die in a hole
By Wolfgirl9076
This song has nothing to do with g-dragon ( leader of famous Korean boy band bigbang) and his song heartbreaker. The plagerisum was just a way to get money. In my opinion bigbang is more famous then this idiot ever could be.
By Mike in Minnesota
Awesome song
By Electric Bird(electropop star)
I can watch that girl near him. Who is that girl?