I just listened to this song today! My rating...
By Avril fan4eva
I am impressed. I didn't know any song from his 2005 self-titled album (except for "run it") I heard this song today and I never thought Chris Brown could pull off something emotional like this. Now this is in my top 20 Chris Brown songs (that I know). Nice job Chris. Buy his new album royalty and listen to "back to sleep" and zero. Peace out!
Lesbian talking
By Dadoodlesmamemadfn
This song is really touching. I just went through a breakup me dumping my girlfriend and it's just true. I really loved her but we both had problems our own problems we'd never be able to be together no matter how much we love each other. We are going our separate ways. Thanks to this song. Keep doing what ur doin Chris!
Chris Brown
By kuiyah
I really love this song but I don't plan on paying $1.29 just for it :/
Say goodbye
By Destiny Delgado
It is a great and it is one of my favorite songs and Chris brown is one of my favorite artists in R&B
love yu but i gotta leave
By Si215
this song really would touch a woman its sayin i love yu but we cant be together anymore.
I LOVE YU CHRIS BROWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chris brown
By Bx7sjcux
I like love this song he is so Hot<3
By Drew Grant - Actor
This song is a beautiful heartfelt song and I still support u chris!!!!
Best song ever
By Miz.kekebaby101
Chris u r cute and u r funny. Keep on writeing those songs. SAY GOODBYE is da best song u ever made.
By Saltytaco182
Good song
this is touching
By I love twilight :)
this is emotional for chris but he is always like that i think ?