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  • Video Length: 0:00

Music Video


  • brilliant!

    By kfury77
    I've watched this about 20 times. fantastic video - ace music and the girl in it is damn sexy.
  • DEMM

    By patolucaz
    Super buena la cancion y le video
  • This S#!t is TIGHT!

    By guruuvy
    Love this song! This is THE best video that I have seen this year! There may not be a plot, but the cinematography and fashion styling are total GENIUS! If this does not win an MTV award, Grammy or Latin Grammy then there is no justice! Can't believe this was a FREE iTUNES video a couple of months ago, I hope that this proves to be their crossover hit!
  • Question

    By Mija 70
    GREAT SONG!!!! Just wondering the name of the freestyle girl on the video?
  • cool colors. nice dancing... just wish I could get the lyrics in english!

    By mena44321
    I downloaded this free from off of itunes a week ago, and its so original. now its up for buy, so buy it! youll enjoy the mixtures of 80s and pop and disco mixed together.
  • back to the 80's

    By ace0203
    I saw this video on mud2, as soon as I saw it I freaking love it, its so cool is not really something that u specting from calle 13 but its so cool
  • Increíble

    By franscene
    No pude verlo en MySpace ni en YouTube asi que lo baje por iTunes y el video esta C.A.B.R.O.N. pero lo que me molesta es la calidad de la imagen del video. No sé si es la compresión o que rayos es pero no se ve tan claro como un video que está en H.264 debería verse. Calle 13, nos vemos en el Choli!
  • Calle 13 creativity expands to new heights !

    By El Kiketon de Puerto Rico
    This is hands down one of the best music videos ever made... Calle 13 never ceases to amaze me.
  • Do The Robot!!!

    By MrMoneybanks
    Itz madd quick how iTunes got this!!!! Awsome video, i think this song can get an award. Best song on their newest album. If you want a coloful, funny, and awesome video on ur iPod, this is the one to get!!!