By DesRock96
Nice girls but he needs to step it up a bit.
for real
By saucie_000
he's not white or black, he's cuban. get it straight.
Disappointed in iTunes
By A*Jeezy
Like the song, like the video. What I don't like is certain words cut out of the song for being explicit. If I pay money for a song, I want the WHOLE thing!
@ "hes white"
By boyfromthedwarf9
First, he is NOT white, he's Cuban. Second why is reverse racism (although there is really no such thing since racism is racism either way) acceptable? Your only comment is that he isn't black? You're basing your opinion of the song over the color of his skin? If people saw Jimi Hendrix playing guitar, and said "He isn't white like (insert other artist here), so his music can't be good" we'd be missing out, like I think you are.
Anyways, pretty good song, not annoying like most things out now.
By MA2013
awesome video and cool song. thats a perfect mix
Good song. Bad Video
That Video Ruined the song for me, every time i hear im gonna think about how stupid this video is.
He should have never made this video, and definently shouldnt have been trying to dance ( two BIG no's)
I love It
By Sierra77777
I have the song but not the vidcoe it has a nice beat to it and he can not dance oh child
about time
By QuietKool
This video is awesome.kinda weird but it's cool.I would say for you to buy it.Trina's verse is cool and Young Boss does well too