• Genre:
  • Release Date:
  • Explicitness:
  • Country:
  • Video Length: 0:00

Music Video


  • Luv Pitbull.

    By chinalatina13
    Love the song, and love Pitbull. So I would definately recomend this song, but hey that's just me...
  • explicit is better

    By emtgirl
    1. buy the clean video and the explicit song 2. drag the video clip into imovie-drag clip to the timeline & turn the volume to 0% 3. go to Media-itunes-purchased, select the explicit song, place at playhead 4. go to File-Export-compress movie (expert settings)-Share-Export (movie to iPod)-Save 5. put the new movie in iTunes This is what I do to get around the clean version
  • c**o man

    By :) smily
    this song is nice i first heard of it when my dad was lising to the radio ha
  • yes really

    By nicotine910
    quit bleepin stuff out