Cum On Feel the Noize

Quiet Riot

  • Genre: Rock
  • Release Date: 2008-08-12
  • Explicitness: notExplicit
  • Country: USA
  • Video Length: 4:37

Music Video


  • Don't Buy It!

    By Alwaystubed
    This is quite possibly the worst videos I have ever seen for sale. First of all Kevins wig looks horrible. He, along with the rest of the band, is phoning this song in. No energy or emotion. Secondly it looks like it is filmed on a 1986 camcorder. Horrible.
  • S$!@

    By Slayer 378091
    This GarageBand is like remote controled robots their voices sound mettalic this video is truly S$!@
  • Yikes!!

    By Devcon
    Whoa...Not sure why these videos are up there rather than the actual music videos for these songs. No disrespect to the late KD but this video looks like a garage band "live" in a geriatric ward.
  • bennyboy831

    By bennyboy831
    Maybe if Quiet Riot wasn't so ANCIENT in this video they could still sing. They can't even do the cool sreamo type voices normally in this song. I bet Deep Purple is older than these guys and they still sound like they did in there prime. This video is horrible.
  • This isn't Surprising

    By 1980 rocknroll
    This is common among most hair metal bands, like Poison, Twisted Sister, Scorpions, Cinderella, Guns N' Roses, etc. I'm sorry people but Axl Rose and Bret Micheals just can't sing. Back in the 1980's, the recording studios make hair metal voices sound like theres an echo therefore holding a note even though they aren't its just the studio, and now their voices are recorded clearer, people realize they arent singers, this is common to late sixties too like Jimi Hendrix and The Doors. Come On Feel The Noize should be remembered with it's prime recordings.
  • haha

    By CD3818
    thats pretty funny look the people their like it
  • Are you kidding me?

    By what'sinaname?
    I love this song, but this video is a piece of crap. It does not do this song justice; it makes it boring
  • Idea

    By can't think of one...
    Why don't they go on tour with Dubrow's dead carcus propped up on a chair and mike stuffed in hand. It would probably be more entertaining than this video...
  • This is just awful!!

    By BlizzardOfOzz80
    These 2 videos are so sad to watch. Not because KD is gone, but because the band sounds like crap. Also, why does KD have hair like Randy Rhoads?
  • WTH?

    By Piratesarecool
    No way this was really Quiet Riot. This was terrible, the real quiet riot kicks butt. Dont get this, this is just a disgrace to Quiet Riot.

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