Stranger in My house
By merl007
Yes why is only one video you guys have of her what happen to the video There's a Stranger in my House thats a very sexy video.
Only one video?
By jazzman42
Come on iTunes, this lady is much to talented to only have one video with you. You can't find one bad song by Tamia. All of her music is good. When I travel, I can just listen to Tamia and Jazz. That's all I need.
Why not market her talent and get her new videos for those of us who are long time fans?
By Ms. Amber
Please get her Videos as she is too talented to have only one video on I tunes for over 3 years....
By Mavutt
Now come on Itunes, you can get better videos then this one for Tamia. Don't get me wrong, I love Tamia but she does have more and better videos than this.
By Mr.Stacy Stewart
I love this song and video! Tamia is so sexy!! She has a great voice,she is so underrated.She should be as big as a lot of these other RnB female singers that are out right now.This video is great! This is a must have,you will not be disappointed!