Really good video to a great song
By CVgsmackfan
I actually really like this video it really fits the song well. I would totally recommend it to any fan of this band. I'm not a big rage against the machine fan so me saying this really means something.
If you are thinking you are winning
By Smashin559
Great song
By Jyjelly00
This is one of the best bands I've heard And seen…
By Coolkid345
great song and vid, but you guys got to add the bulls on parade vid too!
great video
By Cowboy Dave
this is my favorite rage video and im glad after years itunes has finally provided it. the song itself makes a great statement and when coupled with a music video like that..enough said.
We Need Them NOW More Than Ever
By JusticeThroughMusic
Theres so much going on right now, our new president, the genocide in darfur, the economy, the rising conflict in the middle east, in country conflicts. Rage Against The Machine stood up for good, the people. they used their talents and made a difference, they gave the revolution a jumpstart and opened up the eyes of America's people to the lies, truth and injustice. We need them once again. GREAT SOND AND VIDEO!!!! and yeah they did close it down that day (good ol' rage stickin it to the man!!!!)
Great Video!
By guineapigsrock11
This is a great video! I'm glad that iTunes got it!
By transientjetlag
not a huge fan of the rage, but u shuould buy this
By Haydeo 2.0
This Is Great Video, With Great Music, And A Strong Message. This Video Explains What RATM Is!
By davidb!
absoloutley awesome!!! did rage seriously force that place at wall street to close down?! if so thats totally great, if not- who cares, they've already exposed so many things and slapped the government across the face enough times!