My Plague


  • Genre: Rock
  • Release Date: 2002-07-08
  • Explicitness: notExplicit
  • Country: USA
  • Video Length: 2:56

Music Video


  • Why?

    By Spazzmaster3000
    Censoring metal just isn't right
  • Awesome

    By roman 12
    Woo my favorite movie and band together in a 3:00 min video in early days holy crap!!!! love it !and slipknot and resident evil are as greater and better than ever to this day! Ps:afterlife Is a great movie man go see it stay (sic)
  • On of my favorites

    By Kottonkingspade
    It has clips from the first resident evil because it was the single for the movie, much like killswitch engage- the end of heartache for the second movie.
  • Resident Evil?!

    By Slipknot & Mushroomhead Maggot
    This video rocks! When I bought it, I had no idea it used the Resident Evil movies for the visuals for half the video! It has the 1st, 2nd and 3rd movie in it! Thoroughly satisfying video!
  • great song

    By bigaves
    this is a great song. But it aint the original. It's the new abuse remix
  • ...

    By SlipknotRulz!
    wow im stupid. i just realized the stuff in this vid was from resident evil! but anyway, THIS SONG IS AMAZING! luv slipknot, and mick is the most sic. maggots, stay SIC.
  • The Reason

    By Untitled in life
    The reason it's clean is because this one was aired on tv and it was the "Abuse Mix" from Resident Evil and honestly the original version is 10x heavier and better but it doesn't stop it from being and overpowering awesome song
  • great song

    AWESOME song, but why the clean version?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
  • What is wrong with everyone?!

    By Takonius
    Why do you care if it is clean or not!? It's a great video, and I would listen to it explicit or clean!!!
  • Why is it clean

    By cKyisagoodband
    Some of the best lyrics in the song have swearing in them. Why only have a clean version of this video? Anyways great song. It was in my favorite movie too (resident evil). The melody is great. The lyrics are great. Everything is great.