Shadow of the Day


  • Genre: Alternative
  • Release Date: 2007-10-17
  • Explicitness: notExplicit
  • Country: USA
  • Video Length: 4:17

Music Video


  • ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ

    By Noevaltierra
  • Good video, good message, good (original) sound

    By Djackc60
    When I heard the audio version on the album, I was SUPER disappointed with what iTunes mastering did to it. Glad too see they didnโ€™t mess with the video.
  • Good song, weird video...

    By Remus Russo
    Um... I'm not really even sure what to say about it. I mean, Linkin Park is the best band to ever walk the earth, but this video just seemed sort of... I don't know, pointless? Seriously, I know that creativity is hard to come by now, but music producers are a dime a dozen! They honestly couldn't have come up with ANYTHING better? Odd. Just freaking odd.
  • Chester Bennington shirtless? WOO!

    By Brett1633
    Chester Bennington, the hottest man ever to live. Shirtless and in boxers. Singing beautifully. With millions of beautiful tattoos all over his perfect skin. Generally being sexy. Chester needs to walk around in boxers in more videos!!!!!!!!!!
  • Er...

    By #1MeeseFan
    Look, I'm not hating on Linking Park...but this video could of had some more meaning to it. For example, there could have been a wife with a baby in her hands turning away from the window and in the backround, a man (the husband/dad) should be in camo going to a truck full of other men going to the army base or whatever. THEN, possibly, the wife can't take it any more, drops the kid off at grandmas, and joins the army herself. Then, battle scene... they meet each other... they fight together... then... BAM they die. Like, I know that's bad... but it would have more meaning and such. LOVE YOU LINKIN PARK :3
  • Buy

    By double digit
    Buy this video.
  • Good

    By G099
    Great album but don't diss Eminem anymore. He cleaned up his act. Recovery (his new album, all about that) but anyway good solid album second only to "A Thousand Suns"
  • Linkin Park!!!! XD

    By Felicity235
    Dear Linkin Park, You guys are an amazingly talented band. First off, I would like to say how much your music means to me... alot. It has inspired me to shoot for the stars and achieve my goals, not become a crazy crack dealer on the street or an abusive boyfriend, (Yes, talking about you, Eminem!) like all the new rap-garbage that's on the radio now-a-days. Second, I would like to congradulate you all for creating a wonderful video. This video has shown us how cruel and senseless we as people can be to eachother. When I watched it a second ago, it made me think about WWII and how devistating that was. :( The video also surprisingly fits to a T with the song, and makes an everlasting impression!! Lastly, I just want to say how excited I am for the new album! (Though I have no idea when it's coming out!!! XD) Keep up the spectacular work Linkin Park!! Don't let us down!! <3 XD
  • LPforever!!!

    By jj1234520
    Ya boy best rock video of 2008!!!

    By thedyingflameofdoom
    This has got to be one of the best videos ever coupled with one of the best songs ever and togther you'ver got one awesome video!

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