Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm

Crash Test Dummies

  • Genre: Rock
  • Release Date: 2018-03-23
  • Explicitness: notExplicit
  • Country: USA
  • Video Length: 4:01

Music Video


  • Song is great; video is terrible

    By Surgeon22
    'nough said!
  • Iaminlovewithnothingless

    By DJM SouthAfricanBaby
    Good song good video. Weird voice..
  • Unforgettable!

    By The Mighty Jinn
    I love this video and the Weird Al's version "Headline News" as well! Brad Roberts has just that type of voice that is very hard to match. I also write and on occasion sing karaoke style parodies too, and when I tried to get that Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm down it sounded like crap. I can sing true and am good at matching voices, but I just couldn't get that specific or even close to that specific tone that Brad has. But all things considered Great song, and even Greater video! Congrats. Brad and Al! ;-)
  • pretty good

    By Personnnn<3
    the lyrics as well as the guys voice is wierd, but the melody is pretty and nice.
  • Awesome

    By SFgiants55
    This video is SO COOL!!!! The lyrics are very RANDOM but thats what kinda makes this song so good.
  • CTD

    By jryan37
    I had never heard much by the Crash Test Dummies, but I had heard of them. This song and video really caught my ear on VH1 Classic as different and kind of haunting. Looking forward to hearing more of their music.
  • I agree

    By TinaDarci
    I agree they dot sense!!!! ;) My best friend and I drove from Huntsville,AL to Calgary during spring break 94' to visit his cousin (and to drink, we were 19, drinking age in Albert is.... 19). We listened to this album most of the 36 hour NON STOP drive, great memories. Listened to Skinerd on the way home of course ;)
  • To make it worth while

    By The Franz
    This song may be bad, but it's not the worst I've ever heard. Besides, if you watch this video and then watch the "Wierd Al" Yankovic video of "Headline News" it makes it 100 times more hilarious and much more worth while.
  • Love this Video

    By Kamuela49
    I was living in Canada when the Crash Test Dummies were up on the charts, and this song and video was getting tons of play on the radio and MTV. Sure its old school, but they have talent unlike the blond drugged out, getting pregnant to get TV attention hussie we have today! Kudo's CTD!! You are a original...... I bet you wish Britney could say that!!! Madonna wannbee
  • LOL

    By the rocker penguin
    If you hate this song than go to wierd al's video it is so funny! Once that was this one girl who swore that she would be a fingerskare then she saw some girl who was beter so she higherd some gust to club her in in the kneecap! thats part of the song its called headline news and all the stories are funny and true! the last one is so funny g2g bye

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